Strategic Plan Committee Meeting Dates 2023-24Attachment 
by Salovitch, Kelly
 12/27/2023 11:43 AM
Meetings will be held at 5:30 PM on the third Thursday of the month in the SAU Boardroom, 30 Greenough Rd. Plaistow, NH 03865. Meetings are open to the public.​
5/16/2024 5:00 PM Strategic Planning Committee 
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Folder: Meeting MinutesMeeting MinutesSalovitch, Kelly
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Justin Krieger - Superintendent
Ginger Drechsel
Kelley Brooks
Lucy Canotas
Sandra Allaire - Acting Assistant Superintendent
Mark Pedersen, Co-Chair
Liz Kosta
Fran Decinto
Brie Woodworth, Co-Chair, School Board Member
Karl Ingoldsby
Kim McCormick - School Board
Maria Watkins